Even After Death - Chapter 987

Chapter 987


Olivia was rendered speechless at how energetic Ethan was after having only recovered a little.

His hearing recovered fast. After all, the last organ to stop functioning when a human was dying was the ears.

Still, there was no improvement in his eyesight. Even though she stood close to him, he could only see a blurred image.

He didn’t hear anything familiar, so he didn’t know what kind of situation he was in.

Hence, he resorted to self-defense.

Ethan strangled Olivia, not giving her the chance to escape.

“If you wanna die, strangle me to death.”

She changed her voice. Not even Brent and the others could recognize her.

“Who are you?”

“Your savior.”

Only then did he relax his grasp a little, letting her breathe.

“Sorry. I can’t see, so I have no idea what’s going on right now.”

“You’re in a bathtub. There’s no dialysis here. All I can do is remove the poison in you with high temperature. I was trying to check on your condition,” she explained monotonously.

“I’m sorry.” He realized how unbecoming he was.

“I can understand that. It’s good that you’ve regained consciousness. Please give me your cooperation.

“I’m going to perform a checkup for you. How are you feeling right now? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?”

He responded, “I feel hot, and I can’t see. I can scarcely hear things. Sometimes, it’ll ring in the ears.

“I have headaches and shortness of breath. I also feel tight in the chest and weak in my limbs, too.”

“All of your organs are affected by the poison. They won’t recover for the time being.

“Don’t worry. You’re healthy, so you will recover soon. Can you stand up? Let me check on your body.”

The black water covered Ethan’s body, and she wasn’t bothered to lift him.

A question seeped into his head, and he asked, “Am I naked now?”


He went silent and didn’t act as she told him, falling into a dilemma.

“I’m a doctor, and you’re a patient. I need to check on your condition now.”

“But you’re a woman,” he said unwillingly. “I don’t have the habit of showing myself bare to women.”

Olivia sighed helplessly.

“You’re such a hard nut to crack. If you wanna die, I might as well grant your wish.”

“Can you close your eyes?” the awkward Ethan unexpectedly requested.

She felt like he was fooling around with her.

“How can I check on you with my eyes closed? Why don’t you think of me as your lover? Will this do?”

His face spoke of solitary for a moment. “Sorry, but she’s irreplaceable.”

It was difficult for Olivia to breathe in her human skin mask. The hot water rendered it worse, and yet Ethan was taking up a lot of time dilly-dallying.

“So, do you want a checkup or not?”

“No,” he answered without hesitation, which almost made her blood pressure go through the roof.

She had never realized how stubborn he was until now.

“You don’t want me to look at your body? I’ve seen it a lot of times. You have a scar from a cut on your chest. And I know that you have a mole on your inner thigh.”

She couldn’t treat him as an ordinary patient.

“You …” His face was already red due to the high temperature. Now, his ears were burning after he heard that.

“As I said, I’m a doctor. I’ve seen a lot of men’s bodies. Are you any more special than other men? Do I have to be this desperate to check on your body?”

Now that she put it that way, she reckoned that he would give in.

Surprisingly, he replied with a somber expression. “You’re not the problem, but I am.” Comment by soonyoung gu: what is this shit

